In this episode, Ary, The Bad Ass Budget Babe talks about: 1. How do do a money date so that you can get money in order. and 2. What are the biggest money mindset blocks? For only $3, Ary is …
Instead have having a New Year's Resolution this year (that would only last a few weeks anyway), I am committing to some mindset and habit changes. These include: 1. Making a conscious effort to manage my: - Internal Dialog...
What we believe influences our decisions. What we decide influences our actions. How we act influences our results. It is a never ending cycle, but we can learn to use the cycle in a manner that serves us well. In …
Jordan Roberts is a financial advisor with Parallel Financial and discusses why small business owners might want to hire their children or other family members. He discusses the three types of taxes that can be eliminated an...
Laura Moon and Nicole Girouard are the hosts of the very popular ASK MORE, GET MORE show on Youtube. In this episode, we have an energetic conversation about: 1. Why boundaries are important when setting goals. 2. How to use...
2020 Has had its share of problems, but yet it is always important for all of us to remember all of which we need to be thankful. In this episode, we give several steps that can help you to achieve …
In this episode, we discuss the ins and outs of Medicare and Medicare Supplement Plans with Lee Shaw. To contact Lee Shaw, please call 864 286-2276 or email To schedule your complementary financial co...
In this episode, we speak about THREE important investments that you should consider during the 2020 Presidential Election. For the thoughts of Parallel Financial's Chief Investment Officer, check out this episode, as well ht...
While most of our episodes focus on a financial tool or strategy, this episode features Dr. Melissa Macdonald as she discusses some ways to operate more healthily in your office and home office environments. Dr. Melissa MacDo...
With mortgage rates being at, or near, historic lows we thought it would be a good time to speak with a mortgage professional about the basics of new and refi mortgages. To speak with Lee Ayer, please call 864 958-2399 …
In this episode, Parallel Financial Chief Investment Officer, Greg Towner discusses the upcoming election and how the markets might (or might not) be affected. We would love to know your thoughts, so email David@parallelfinan...
Long Term Care is a misunderstood topic, but if not properly planned for, it can cause devastating financial results. In this episode we answer the questions: 1. What is long term care? 2. What are the funding options for l...
In this episode, we give some simple steps to take, in the event of an unplanned job loss. They include: 1. Take the job loss as an opportunity to evaluate your options. 2. Make it your JOB to get a …
Ziv Raviv is a successful businessman, engaging podcaster, and husband. In this episode, we discuss some of the common areas of disagreement that married couples have with regards to money and give three simple steps to work...
Like many of us, Keli Calderon and her husband mismanaged their personal finances and it began to affect all areas of their lives. When reaching the breaking point, they decided that something needed to be done and they dug ...
WIth years of experience as a daily money manager, Amy Carrick serves the needs of those who are in the most need of help. In this episode, we talk about the roles that a daily money manager can play and …
Having come from a family of life insurance professionals, Mark Chesson is an encyclopedia of Life insurance and it's advanced uses. In this episode, you will learn how ultra high net worth families use life insurance to gro...
In close to 2 decades of working with clients to build financial success, David Chudyk has found that there are eight universal truths that apply to everyone, regardless of income, net worth, and age. 1. You have to make the …
Parallel Financial's Chief Investment Officer, Greg Towner examines: 1. Who and how stocks are determined to be "high quality" 2. Why are the portfolios that he manages primarily made up of quality stocks. 3. Psychological be...
Elizabeth Pampalone had a business that did not lack for revenue, but she never seemed to be able to compensate herself properly, for her efforts..... until she discovered profit first. Learn how the profitfirst concepts migh...
For over 20 years, UVISEME (You-vize-me) Founder Jenifer Price, PhD, LMSW has offered strategic advice to high school, early career adults, and their families in the college and career selection process. She has visited 200+ ...
We are just past the halfway point of one of the craziest and unpredictable years in lifetimes. From Covid to protests and yes.... maybe the murder hornets are still coming, we are all faced with uncertainty. If you would li...
In his work as a financial advisor for high net worth individuals and business owners, Steve Tolleson uses many of the skills that he used to make it to the major leagues. Steve talks about his clients have to put …
Running a small business puts an owner in a position where they have to be a master of many skills. From marketing to management to human resources AND even legal decisions. Dana Swarner talks about access to legal services...