These are the major lessons that I learned or confirmed in 2023. What about you? What did you learn?
1. Life is not always hard.
2. Today’s results are from the seeds that we planted yesterday, last week, or even years ago.
3. Choose your hard.
4. Surround yourself with people who can lift you up.
5. If you are an entrepreneur or employer, make sure to take care of your team. Without
the support of your team, almost nothing would ever happen.
6. Life is short.. make the best of it.
7. Journalling can be lifechanging.
8. An incredible amount of our successes (or failures for that matter) occur because of what we think and tell ourselves.
9. We all have the same amount of time.
10. Spend time each day thinking about your future.
self. Think about the person that you want to be and ask yourself what that person does (or doesn’t do).
11. Being great has a financial cost (coaching, etc).
12. You can never know everything, but you can surround yourself with people who know what you don’t know, who are good at what you are not good at, and enjoy doing the things that you hate.
13. Complaining is the refusal to pay the success tax.
14. Never take health for granted.
15. If you are a business owner, work constantly to be a better business owner. Being good
at your trade is NOT the same as being good at running your business.
16. Financial margin is a great thing, work towards having it.
17. Money doesn’t solve all problems, but most problems are a bit smaller, if there is additional money involved.
18. Speaking of problems… if we think about all of the problems that we have ever had and are REALLY honest with ourselves, many of the problems existed because we either caused (or partially caused) or didn’t prevent them.
19. You don’t die if you are just a little bit hungry.
20. Making HUGE strides in life/business can be easier than smaller growth because you have to change everything that you are did to get to where you are.
21. If you have kids, cherish every moment that you have with them because they grow up
22. If you are married, make sure to cherish your spouse
23. God is great.
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