Aug. 20, 2020

David Chudyk's Eight Strongly Held Opinions for Financial Success

David Chudyk's Eight Strongly Held Opinions for Financial Success

In close to 2 decades of working with clients to build financial success, David Chudyk has found that there are eight universal truths that apply to everyone, regardless of income, net worth, and age.

1. You have to make the choice to be financially successful.

2. You must KNOW. You must know your critical numbers, you must know your goals, you must know your inflows, and you must know your outflows.

3. If you can't (or don't want to) afford a loss, it it is a good idea to insure it.

4. You must prioritize needs vs. wants.

5. Small and continuous mistakes add up and compound over time.

6. Everyone needs financial accountability.

7.  Money is neutral, it is neither good or bad.... how one handle's money can be either positive or negative

8. Look at what those who are financially struggling and DON'T DO WHAT THEY DO.

If you would like to learn more about our firm, what it is like to be a client, or just have a conversation about your financial questions, email or go to to schedule an appointment